
Importance of doctor in our life

Importance of doctor in our life

Importance of Doctor:  A doctor is a  person qualified in medicine and treatment to heal sick and injured people. A doctor is like a god because he saves people from many diseases. Doctors have special equipment to diagnose body problems quickly. A good doctor prioritizes service, not money.  A doctor is usually assisted by a … Read more

What is positive health?

What is positive health

Health is a positive state of physical and mental health. We are in a state of positive health when we feel physically healthy, free from disease, satisfied and secure. Our close and harmonious interactions with family members, neighbors and friends help us to remain mentally healthy. By this definition, very few people in the world … Read more

How to Make Your Father Happy

How to Make Your Father Happy

Father is the boat in which we cross the ocean of life. Papa is simple caring but seldom shows his feelings to the children. Fathers also love their children in the same way as a mother does. Simply, the way they express their love is completely different. Generally, dads are more attached to their daughters, … Read more

Scientists find molecular patterns that may help identify

Scientists find molecular patterns that may help identify

Scientists have begun to look for extraterrestrial life in the Solar System, but such life may be microscopically or profoundly different from Earth’s life, and biosignatures can be based on life with a different evolutionary history based on the detection of particular molecules. May not apply. A new study by a joint Japan / US-based … Read more

Crashing Chinese rocket highlights growing dangers

Why Digital Transformation Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All and How to Customize It

This weekend, a Chinese rocket booster, weighing around 23 tons, came back to Earth after spending more than a week in space – with some critics, including NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, responsible for the poor planning by China Is held. Pieces of rockets called Long March 5B are believed to have fallen into the Indian … Read more

How scientists are tuning in to the universe, man

The Top 30 Most Influential People in The Metaverse

You are driving on the freeway listening to the radio, but you are getting stagnant. Enjoy it. This is the voice of the universe. You are driving on the freeway listening to the radio. Unfortunately, radio is picking up something stable. Sounds a bit bitter, doesn’t it? You might be surprised to know that static … Read more